London 2013

A rainy Friday in London. Photo by Katy Coduto.
A rainy Friday in London. Photo by Katy Coduto.

I returned to London as a graduate student in May 2013. If you want to relive all of my London adventures and read about the research I conducted while overseas, those posts are archived here. My research in London the second time around was fueled by my undergraduate research on music publicity. This time, I ran with my interest in music journalism and combined it with music publicity to understand how the two work together.

You only need to be on my page for about two seconds before understanding one important thing about me: I love music.

I now want to focus on negative publicity in the music industry. I plan on understanding the relationship between music journalism and publicity, because music journalism needs artists and record labels to survive.

All three of these professionals work in different areas within the music industry, but they all have connections to publicity and music journalism.

Since London is such a musical hub anyway, it’s easy to pick some local favorites as well as the quintessential British picks

This raises some ethical questions, many of which I wasn’t expecting going into this project. The ethical questions are fueling my London research.

I didn’t know it would be less than a year later that I would be here once again.

Are the publications in London biased toward certain artists, labels, or genres? How do the relationships between publicists and writers manifest? Are readers in the United Kingdom getting fair coverage of the music scene?

However, while London has plenty to offer in the form of entertainment and tourist attractions, I believe that my two best experiences of 2013 came from people I got to spend time with.

While the paper is completed and turned in, so many more questions exist when it comes to relationship building between journalists and publicists. It’s a project that has room to continue growing, and this is a thrilling prospect – especially with summer here and time to develop the paper even further.

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